Clean up your mind BEFORE you quit your job
Don’t quit your job because you want to feel better. You can feel better anywhere.
If you are thinking
I would be happier somewhere else
They won’t let me do what I want
I hate this company
I don’t like my boss
I don’t feel valued
I don’t feel respected
These are all things people have told me or some of which I even used to think myself. I’m thankful that my coach didn’t believe any of these stories.
It is never about the job, or the people, or the company, or the things. If you are unhappy where you are, you will be unhappy where you go.
I have interviewed more people than I can count and not hired them because of how they answered the question “Why are you looking for a new job?”. This question is not meant as an opening to dump all your mind drama onto an interviewer. ;)
But you don’t have to lie. If you are spinning in your head about all the reasons you need to leave your job, there is work to do right where you are first, before you find yourself in an interview.
You are never leaving because of something external. All the ‘suffering’ is created within your own thoughts. Do the work to clean this up first.
It may be hard to see, but it is actually a gift to be in a situation where your brain is offering you lots of thoughts about how you are not in control. These thoughts are making you feel how you do, and hence spurring you to take action!
Learn to feel how you want to feel no matter where you are. You don’t feel disrespected because of how someone is talking to you. It is what you are thinking about that interaction and what you are making it mean about yourself that creates your feelings.
Take your power back. Learn everything you can about yourself. You are not leaving because of anything outside of yourself. You are leaving because you want to.
Make the decision to leave simply because it’s something you want to do. Make sure you really like your reason and why you are making the decision. That’s it. You can own the decision AND feel great about it. You can be happy where you are AND still decide to do something different.