Work goals that excite you


Have you set work goals for 2022? How are you feeling about them?

If you are worried that you won’t enjoy any of your work goals for 2022 and feel indifferent, unenthused, or fearful, you are setting yourself up to find exactly that in your work this year.

Here are some questions to ask:

  1. What did you enjoy doing at work last year? The first thing that comes to mind may be nothing, but I know that you can find  something, even if it is simple and/or seems unrelated to your work

  2. What do you want to do more of?

  3. If at the end of 2022 you wanted to feel proud, what would you do this year?

“But I already have goals given to me by my boss.” You have flexibility in what you prioritize and set goals for this year. Especially right now. You are probably given outcomes, but how you create that outcome is up to you. Get creative. Where can your company benefit from what you enjoy doing?

A client recently answered these questions by saying they like developing people, working on long-term improvements, and building relationships with people who have different perspectives and opinions. 

When they thought about their goals they were setting for 2022, they realized they could incorporate these things that they enjoyed into any of the goals.

  • Get creative about how an objective is met

  • Have discussions to decide what to prioritize

  • Look for projects that benefit the company and that you enjoy

  • Find opportunities that help you grow into your next role

Some of you may work for managers who don’t cascade goals. Great! You have even more flexibility. Create them for yourself and your team. Decide now that you are going to have a widely successful year and then create goals that get you there. If that sounds overwhelming or you don’t have a process for that, send me an email. I have a simple process to follow.


How to feel valued at work


Confidence and self-confidence